Brown Fused Alumina


Brown Fused Alumina
Brown Fused Alumina (A) has a chemical composition of aluminum oxide. Brown Fused Alumina is electrically fused and crystallized under high temperature in an arc furnace with a mixture of bauxite, iron filings, and anthracite. The characteristics of Brown Fused Alumina are its hardness, good toughness, and can withstand a great deal of pressure. It is suitable for make grinding wheels, cutting wheels, mounted points, whetstones, and also suitable for abrasive blasting materials such as surface grinding, lapping or polishing. Abrasive tools made of Brown Fused Alumina are suitable for grinding metals of high-tensile strength such as: Carbon Steel, General-purpose Alloy Steel, Annealed Malleable Iron and Hard Bronze, etc. It can also be used as refractory materials.
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Yangzhou Guangling Zhenxing Abrasives Factory